1. East Japan Railway says services on the Tohoku Shinkansen line have resumed after two linked trains became uncoupled. The operator says a coupler on the 17-car Tokyo-bound train became unhinged while it was running between Furukawa and Sendai stations in Miyagi Prefecture at a speed of about 315 kilometers per hour shortly after 8:00 a.m. 2. The Hyogo prefectural assembly in western Japan has passed a non-confidence motion against the governor, Saito Motohiko, has been accused of power harassment and other misconduct. He’ll soon have to decide whether to dissolve the assembly or lose his job. All 86 prefectural assembly members, those from five political groups including the Liberal Democratic Party and Ishin no Kai as well as independents, unanimously have been demanding Saito’s immediate resignation.
3. A ten-year-old boy who was attacked on his way to a Japanese school in southern China has died of his injuries. The Japanese Consul-General in Guangzhou, Kijima Yoshiko, revealed early Thursday that the boy, who was Japanese, died before dawn at the hospital where he had been receiving treatment.