June 29, Wednesday, 2022 (1:30 p.m.) Newsline

1.The leaders of North Atlantic Treaty Organization member states have begun their talks in Madrid, Spain. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at the start of the talks that the leaders will make key decisions to keep NATO strong and ready in a more dangerous and competitive world.
2.Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio is expected to confirm a major revision to a document that specifically outlines Japan’s cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization at a two-day summit in Madrid, starting on Wednesday. Kishida will be the first Japanese prime minister to attend the NATO talks.
3.Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his British counterpart Boris Johnson have agreed to swiftly move forward with the signing of a bilateral defense cooperation agreement. Kishida expressed his gratitude for the United Kingdom’s decision to lift import restrictions on food products from Fukushima Prefecture, which were introduced after the 2011 nuclear accident. The easing took effect on Wednesday.

