




2-A                 2月(国内ニュース)

(21) (      /      ) Militants believed to be with Islamic State have posted an online video that appears to show the killing of Japanese hostage Kenji Goto.

(February 1)

militants believed to be with Islamic State(「イスラム国」に属すると思われる兵士)

post = to make (information) available on the Internet

online video(インターネットに投稿されたビデオ)



(22) (      /      ) Japanese leaders are planning to step up anti-terror efforts and safety measures for overseas Japanese nationals in the wake of the hostage crisis. (February 3)

step up anti-terror efforts(テロ対策を強化する)

overseas Japanese nationals(海外の日本人)

in the wake of = following



(23) (      /      ) A librarian in Hiroshima has uncovered a document that shows details in steps taken by Japanese soldiers following the atomic bombing.

(February 9)


uncover = to discover (something previously secret or unknown)

atomic bombing(原子爆弾投下)



(24) (      /      ) Japan says it supports U.S. President Barack Obama’s request for congressional approval to use military force against Islamic State.

(February 12)

support  = to give approval, comfort, or encouragement to

congressional approval(議会の承認)

military force(武力)

()日本は米国のオバマ大統領が過激派組織IS (Islamic State) に対し武力行使のための議会の承認要請を支持すると発表した。


(25) (      /      ) Japan’s Foreign Ministry officials say authorities in Iraq’s Kurdish autonomous region detained a Japanese man for several days earlier this month. (February 15)


autonomous region(自治区)

detain = to keep (someone) in official custody



(26) (      /      ) Japan’s Gross Domestic Product in the 3 months to December grew 0.6 percent, quarter-on-quarter. (February 16)

gross domestic product(国内総生産)

grow = to become larger or greater over a period of time; increase

quarter on quarter(前四半期と比べて)



(27) (      /      ) The Japanese government plans to hold the next Tokyo International Conference on African Development, or TICAD, in the eastern African nation of Kenya. (February 20)

plan = to decide on and make arrangements for in advance

Tokyo International Conference on African Development


eastern African nation of Kenya(アフリカ東部の国、ケニヤ)


(28) (      /      ) Leaders in Japan will intensify pressure on North Korea to accelerate an investigation into the fate of Japanese people abducted by agents for Pyongyang. (February 22)

intensify pressure(圧力を強める)

accelerate = to increase in rate, amount, or extent




(29) (      /      ) Residents in Japan’s westernmost island of Yonaguni have gone to the polls over a new security plan.  They have approved hosting a surveillance unit of a Ground Self-Defense Force. (February 23)

Japan’s westernmost island of Yonaguni(日本の最西端の与那国島)

host = to act as host

surveillance unit of a Ground Self-Defense Force(陸上自衛隊の監視部隊)



(30) (      /      ) A government advisory panel has begun discussing what Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should say on the 70th commemoration of the end of World War II. (February 26)

government advisory panel(政府の有識者懇談会)

commemoration = an object to mark an event

end of World War II(第二次世界大戦の終結)




2-B                 2月(国際ニュース)

(31) (      /      ) More than 8,000 protestors have marched in Hong Kong calling for a democratic election process. (February 2)


march = to walk along public roads in an organized procession as a form of protest

democratic election process(民主的な選挙プロセス)


(32) (      /      ) Images have been posted online that purportedly show the killing of a Jordanian military pilot detained by the Islamic State militants.

(February 4)

images have been posted online(インターネット上に映像が投稿された)

purportedly = appearing to be or do something, especially falsely

Jordanian military pilot(ヨルダン軍のパイロット)



(33) (      /      ) Jordan’s foreign minister says his country’s new airstrikes against Islamic State militants are just the beginning of retaliation for the killing of a Jordanian pilot. (February 6)

Jordan’s foreign minister(ヨルダンの外相)

new airstrikes(新たな空爆)

retaliation = the action of making an attack in return for a similar attack



(34) (      /      ) U.S. President Barack Obama has sent draft legislation to the U.S. Congress for authorization to use military force against Islamic State militants.

(February 12)

legislation = the process of making and passing laws

U.S. Congress(米国議会)

authorization to use military force(武力行使の権限)



(35) (      /      ) A ceasefire between government forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine has gone into effect.  But it is not clear whether it is being observed. (February 15)


go into effect(発効される)

observe = to fulfill or comply with a legal obligation



(36) (      /      ) The ceasefire in eastern Ukraine is at risk of collapsing.  Government forces and pro-Russian separatists are continuing fierce fighting in Debaltseve. (February 18)

at risk of ~(~の危険性がある)

collapse = to suddenly fall down

fierce fighting(激しい戦闘)



(37) (      /      ) Minorities in Myanmar have called for a peaceful solution to clashes between government forces and a militant ethnic group in the country’s east.

(February 20)

minorities in Myanmar(ミャンマーの少数派民族)

peaceful solution(平和的解決)

militant = favoring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political

or social cause



(38) (      /      ) The U.S. government says it will fine Japanese auto parts maker Takata for not fully cooperating in the probe of the company’s defective airbags.

(February 21)

fine = to punish (someone) for an illegal act by making them pay a sum of money

Japanese auto parts maker(日本の自動車部品メーカー)




(39) (      /      ) Greece has obtained an official nod from eurozone finance ministers for a 4-month extension of its financial bailout. (February 25)

nod = a gesture of acknowledgement

eurozone finance ministers(ユーロ圏の財務相)

extension of financial bailout(金融的救済措置の延長)



(40) (      /      ) U.S. and British media report they have identified the black-clad, masked militant who appeared in the Islamic State group’s videos. (February 27)


identify = to establish or indicate who someone is

black-clad, masked militant(黒衣を身にまとい、覆面をしていた戦闘員)

