

8-A                 8月(国内ニュース)

(161) (       /      ) A Japanese auto industry group is forecasting a nearly 20-percent drop in domestic new auto sales in 2020 due partly to the declining population.

(August 3)

    auto = an abbreviation of automobile

    drop in domestic new auto sales(国内の新車販売台数の落ち込み)

declining population(減少する人口)



(162) (      /     ) A top Japanese scientist to co-author internationally discredited research papers on so-called STAP cells appears to have committed suicide at his laboratory.

(August 5)

    co-author = to be a joint author of

    internationally discredited research papers(国際的に日本の信用を傷つけた研究論文)

commit suicide(自殺する)    



(163) (      /     ) Severe tropical storm Halong is battering western Japan, bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas across the country.  The storm has killed one person and injured 43 others.

(August 10)

    severe tropical storm大型の台風)

    batter = to hit somebody or something hard many times, especially in a way that

      causes serious damage

bring heavy rains and strong winds豪雨と強風をもたらす)






   Severe tropical storm Halong is battering western Japan, bringing heavy rains and strong winds to wide areas across the country.  The storm has killed one person and injured 43 others.  The Meteorological Agency says the storm reached Hyogo on Sunday morning after making landfall in Kochi Prefecture.  Halong was initially a typhoon and weather downgraded.

   The agency says the storm is heading north-northeast at 35 kilometers per hour toward the Sea of Japan.  it is packing strong winds, with gusts of 108 kilometers per hour.  The agency has issued an emergency warning for heavy rain in Mie Prefecture.  It warns of mudslides and flooding.  Evacuation orders and advisories have been issued for more than 1.6 million people.  The storm has knocked out electricity to more than 35,000 households.  Airlines have cancelled about 300 domestic flights scheduled for Sunday.





(164) (      /     ) Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida has met his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Myanmar.  The meeting on Sunday on the sidelines of the ASEAN foreign ministers’ conference was an apparent bid to improve strained ties.

(August 10)

    on the sidelines of ~(片方で~が行われている間に)

    apparent = seeming real or true, but not necessarily so

    improve strained ties(緊張関係を改善する)



(165) (      /     ) Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida has met with his North Korean counterpart for the first time in more than a year.

(August 11)

    meet with~(~と会談する)

    counterpart = a person that corresponds to another person in a different place

for the first time in more than a year(一年以上たって初めて)



(166) (      /     ) Islamic militants in war-stricken Syria may be holding a man who is believed to be Japanese.

(August 18)


    hold = to keep or detain

man who is believed to be Japanese(日本人であると信じられている男性)



(167) (      /     )Torrential rain has hit Hiroshima Prefecture in western Japan, causing landslides and flooding.

(August 20)

    torrential rain(豪雨)

    landslide = a collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff




(168) (      /     ) Rescue workers have suspended the search for missing people in Hiroshima due to concern about secondary disasters.

(August 24)

    rescue workers(救助隊)

    concern = anxiety; worry

secondary disaster(二次災害)



(169) (      /     ) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the situation in Ukraine will not affect President Vladimir Putin’s plan to visit Japan as early as this autumn.

(August 26)

    situation in Ukraine(ウクライナ情勢)

    affect = to have an effect on; to make a difference to

as early as this autumn(早くもこの秋には)



(170) (      /     ) Members of a United Nations committee have urged the Japanese government to impose legal restrictions on hate speech against Korean residents in Japan.

(August 30)

    legal restrictions(法的制限)

    hate = intense dislike

Korean residents in Japan(在日朝鮮および韓国人)



8-B                 8月(国際ニュース)

(171) (      /      ) An international team of experts have begun investigating

the crash of a Malaysia airliner in Ukraine, but it is unclear whether they will be able to conduct a full-fledged inquiry.

(August 1)

    crash of a Malaysia airliner(マレーシア航空の定期便の墜落)

    unclear = not obvious or definite; ambiguous

conduct a full-fledged inquiry(本格的な調査を行う)



(172) (      /      ) The World Health Organization said on Monday that 882

people have died of Ebola since the outbreak of the deadly virus in West Africa.

(August 5)

    World Health Organization(世界保健機関)


outbreak = a sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war or disease



(173) (      /      ) The U.S. military has conducted more airstrikes in Iraq after the first round of an operation that is targeting Sunni militants who are stepping up their offensive in the northern region.

(August 9)



offensive = a military operation in which large numbers of soldiers attack another country




 これは英語で言うとReading is one thing and listening is anotherとなるでしょう。目で追えばなんということがなくても、全く予備知識なくして聞いた場合、意外なところで間違えてしまいます。自分でもショックでした。上の文のどこで間違えたと思いますか。who are

steppingfor steppingと聞き違えたのです。意味を考えれば「おかしい!」と気づくのですが、聞いて書き取る作業の中ではそんな余裕はありませんでした。ウェブサイトの英文記事を見て初めてわかりました。この部分を自分で発音すればwho arefor では明らかな違いが出てくるのですが、「音の流れ」の中ではこういうミスもおかしてしまうのです。ではどういう対策ができるでしょうか。書き取った後で、意味を考え、militantsstepping upの間に何を入れれば辻褄が合うかを考えるのです。その時に役立つのは英文法の知識です。


(174) (      /      ) Ukraine has expressed readiness to accept a Russian aid convoy on condition that the trucks will be under control of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

(August 14)

    convoy = a group of vehicles traveling together, typically one accompanied by armed troops

    on condition that~(~という条件で)

International Committee of the Red Cross(国際赤十字委員会)



(175) (      /      ) The situation in the Gaza Strip remains volatile as Israel and the Islamic militant group Hamas attacked each other despite another extension of truce.

(August 14)

    remain = to continue to exist


despite another extension of truce(休戦をさらに延長したにもかかわらず)



(176) (      /      ) Diplomatic talks held by the foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France about the conflict in eastern Ukraine made no apparent breakthrough.

(August 18)

     diplomatic talks(外交交渉)

     conflict in eastern Ukraine(ウクライナ東部の紛争)

      breakthrough = a sudden, dramatic, and important development




 ニュース英語で文法的にあまり複雑な構文が使われることはありませんが、主語が非常に長いことがあります。今回の文もその一つです。heldmadeが動詞として認識されれば次の問題は、それが過去形か過去分詞かの識別が大切になります。前者が過去分詞で、talks(交渉)を後置修飾する分詞であることが認識されればもう大丈夫です。後者のmadeは主動詞でmake no apparent breakthrough(まったく突破口が見出せないようだ)です。このような認識をしっかり持つためには英文法のテキストで分詞(現在分詞と過去分詞)の意味と用法について学ぶ必要があります。


(177) (      /      ) The World Health Organization has reported an improvement in the condition of three patients in Liberia who took an unapproved drug for the Ebola virus.

(August 22)

     patient = a person receiving medical treatment


an unapproved drug(未承認の薬)



(178) (      /      ) Egypt and the Palestinian Authority have called on Israel and the Palestinian Islamist Group Hamas to resume negotiations for a long-term truce in the Gaza.

(August 24)

      Palestinian Authority(パレスチナ自治政府)

      negotiation = discussion aimed at reaching an agreement

  long-term truce長期休戦)



(179) (      /      ) The presidents of Russia and Ukraine have held their first one-on-one talks but apparently failed to narrow their differences over the crisis in eastern Ukraine.

(August 27)


    apparently = seeming real or true, but not necessarily so

narrow one’s differences over ~ (~に関する自分たちの考え方の違いを狭める)



(180) (      /      ) Ahead of a trip to Japan starting on Saturday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasized that his country wants to strengthen ties with Japan.  He highlighted the fields of economy and security.

(August 30)

    ahead of~(~に先立ち)

    strengthen ties with Japan(日本との関係を強化する)

highlight = to draw special attention to
