

1-A                 1月(国内ニュース)

(1)   (      /      ) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has released his New Year

message.  He says his government will do everything it can to overcome deflation and revitalize the economy.

(January 1)

    release a New Year message(新年の挨拶をする)

    overcome = to succeed in dealing with ( a problem or difficulty)

    revitalize the economy(経済を再生させる)



(2)   (       /      ) The Japanese government plans to revise a basic policy for

disposing of nuclear waste so that it can play a more active role in selecting disposal sites.

(January 2)

    dispose of = to get rid of by throwing away

    nuclear waste(核廃棄物)

play a more active role(より積極的な役割を果たす)



(3)   (       /      ) The operator of a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in

Rokkasho Village in northeastern Japan has applied for a government safety assessment.

(January 7)

     spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant(使用済み核燃料の再処理工場)

      apply for = to make a formal application for

③ safety assessment(安全評価)

 () 日本の東北地方にある六ヶ所村の使用済み核燃料の再処理工場の事業主は政府の安全評価を受ける申請をした。


(4)   (       /      ) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says the administrative

office of the new National Security Council will help efforts to protect Japan’s national interests.

(January 8)

     administrative = relating to the running of an organization

     National Security Council(国家安全保障会議)

③ National interests(国益)



(5)   (       /      ) The largest Coming-of-Age ceremony in Japan was held in

Yokohama near Tokyo on Monday to commemorate their adulthood.

(January 13)

     Coming-of-Age ceremony(成人式)


 adulthood = the state of being an adult



(6) (       /      ) Japanese soccer player Keisuke Honda marked his home debut for Italian team AC Milan with a goal against Spezia.

(January 16)

     soccer player(サッカー選手)

    home debut(本拠地でのデビュー)

against = opposing



(7) (       /      ) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will likely attend the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics on February 7th.

(January 17)

    likely = probably

    opening ceremony(開会式)

Sochi Olympics(ソチ・オリンピック)




(8) (       /      ) The incumbent mayor of Japanese City Nago in Okinawa Prefecture has been reelected.  He opposes plans to relocate a U.S. air base to his city.

(January 20)

     incumbent mayor(現職の市長)


relocate = to move to a new place



(9) (       /      ) Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has vowed to implement tax reforms including reducing the corporate tax rate.

(January 23)

    vow = to solemnly promise to do a specified thing

     implement tax reforms(一連の税制改革を実行する)

corporate tax rate法人税率)



(10) (       /      ) Japanese researchers have developed a faster, easier way to create stem cells that can turn into any tissue or organ.

(January 29)

    develop = to cause to grow and become more mature, advanced or elaborate

    stem cell(幹細胞)

    turn into any tissue or organどんな組織や器官にも変る)





   Japanese researchers say they have developed a faster, easier way to create stem cells that can be turned into any tissue or organ.  They were able to create the embryo-like cells by using exposure to stress.

   The researchers soaked lymphocytes — a type of white blood cell — from baby mice in mildly acidic solution for about 30 minutes, and cultured them.  The team, from RIKEN and other institutes, says the process activated genes that keep cells malleable enough to develop into various types of cells.  They put the cells into mice and confirmed that they developed into skin, muscle and other types of cells.  The researchers have dubbed the phenomenon stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP.  STAP cells have similar qualities to induced pluripoent stem cells, or iPS cells, which are created by putting genes into cells.  But the researchers say the new method is simple and quicker.

   Haruko Obokata at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology calls the technique revolutionary.  She says it will contribute to studies on regenerative medicine and immunity.  The researchers say they will now study whether they can apply the technique to human cells. (January 29, 2014)


(1)   STAPとは何の略称でしょうか。

(2)   STAP細胞とiPS細胞の違いは何でしょうか。



1-B                               月(国際ニュース)

(11) (      /     ) The U.S. State Department has called on Japan and neighboring countries not to take steps that would increase tension.

(January 3)

     U.S. State Department(米国務省)

     neighboring countries(近隣諸国)

     tension = a strained state or condition resulting from forces acting

         in opposition to each other




 高校で仮定法について学習する際、If +S+動詞の過去形、S+助動詞の過去形+動詞の原形が一般的で、例えばIf I were you, I would not accept such a request.という文が紹介されますが、専門書購読などでたくさんの英文を読まされる時、そのような典型的な形で出てくる場合はむしろ少ないのです。今回のように助動詞の過去形だけで「仮定法の文」となることが多いのです。仮定法の文は、まだ現実には起こっていないが、何かが起これば起こるというものなのです。ちなみに上の文中の英文は、典型的な英文で示せば、次のようになります。If you took such steps, those steps would increase tension.よって上の文を深読みすれば、現在日本の周辺国、例えば韓国や中国との関係で、ある手段を講ずれば緊張を高めることになる。もっと具体的に言えば、(韓国との間では)竹島問題や従軍慰安婦問題が、(中国との間では)尖閣諸島問題が、さらに日本側では政治家の靖国神社参拝の問題があるが、そういう問題に対して、間違った手段を講ずれば緊張を高めることになります。そうならないように注意してもらいたい、という米国側の懸念なのです。


(12) (      /      ) Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has condemned the attack on a Japanese couple, calling it a heinous crime.

(January 5)

    Ecuador’s president(エクアドールの大統領)

    Japanese couple(日本人夫妻)

  heinous = utterly odious or wicked



(13) (      /     ) China says its per-capita military spending is only 20 percent of Japan’s.

(January 8)


     military spending(軍事費)

     percent = one part in every hundred



(14) (      /      ) A Chinese local government has imposed new rules requiring foreign fishing boats to get permission from Chinese authorities before entering waters around disputed islands in the South China Sea.

(January 10)

    foreign fishing boat(外国の漁船)

    permission = the action of officially allowing someone to do a particular thing

  Chinese authorities(中国当局)



(15) (      /     ) Ceasefire negotiations aimed at stopping the conflict in South Sudan have resumed in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

(January 14)

     ceasefire negotiations(停戦交渉)


resume = to begin again or continue after a pause or interruption



(16) (      /      ) U.S. President Barack Obama says his government will stop monitoring the communications of U.S. allies’ leaders unless there is a compelling national security purpose.

(January 18)

    monitor = to maintain regular surveillance over

    communications of U.S. allies’ leaders(米国の同盟国の指導者の通信情報)







(17) (      /      ) U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has withdrawn an offer for Iran to attend Syria’s peace talks, citing Iran’s refusal to support the establishment of a transitional government in Syria, which is a basis for the talks.

(January 21)

     withdraw an offer(申し出を撤回する)

    cite = to mention as an example

transitional government(暫定政府)



(18) (      /      ) Representatives of forces led by South Sudan President Salva Kiir and those loyal to former vice president Riek Mechar have signed a ceasefire agreement.

(January 24)


     loyal = giving firm and constant support or allegiance to

vice president(副大統領)



(19) (      /      ) U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to work to narrow gaps between the rich and poor in his State of the Union address.

(January 29)

    gap = a break or hole between two objects

    rich and poor(貧富)

State of the Union address(一般教書)



(20) (      /      ) Delegates from China and South Korea have raised the visit by Japan’s prime minister to controversial Yasukuni Shrine in criticism of Japan at the U.N. Security Council.

(January 30)

    delegate = an elected representative sent to a conference


in criticism of ~(~を批判して)
