

11-A                              11月(国内ニュース)

(201) (           ) The secretary general of Japan’s governing Liberal Democratic Party says the country’s idle nuclear reactors should be restarted once their safety is verified.

(November 3)

secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party(自民党幹事長)

idle = (of a machine or factory) not active or in use

safety is verified(安全が立証される)



(202) (           ) Japan’s government has come up with a bill to establish economic deregulation zones across the country.

(November 5)

come up with =(提出する)

establish = to set up on a firm or permanent basis

economic deregulation zones(経済特区)



(203) (           ) The governor of Nagasaki Prefecture and a senior Chinese official have agreed that Japan and China should promote private-sector cooperation and exchanges at the local level.

(November 6)

senior official(高官)


local = relating or restricted to a particular area or one’s neighborhood



(204) (           ) Four of five major Japanese trading firms saw their net profits go up year-on-year in their mid-year earnings reports in September.

(November 9)

trading firm(貿易会社)

net profit(純利益)

earnings = money obtained in return for labor or services





1.       This personal computer has seen little use.(このパソコンはほとんど使われていません)

2.       His generation has seen the day when there was no television.(彼の世代の人はテレビのなかった時代を知っている)

3.       The 18th century saw the American revolution.(18世紀には米国独立戦争が起こった)

NHKの英語ニュースでは過去(April 7, 2008) に次のような例文に出くわしました。

Torchbearers, including Olympic medalists and a popular TV presenter, took part in the 50-kilometer relay through London on Sunday, when the city saw unseasonable spring snow.(その日は季節外れの春雪が降っていた)


(205) (           ) Delegates at the U.N. climate change conference in Warsaw have reacted sharply to Japan’s decision to dramatically scale down its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

(November 16)


dramatically = suddenly and strikingly

scale down(下げる)




 2008年のNHKの英語ニュースを使ってNHK WORLD NEWS: Global Perspectivesのテキストを出版した。そのUnit 21Japan’s Initiative in Climate Changeという見出しをつけた。

その課で紹介した英文の中に次のような文がある。In the plan titled “In pursuit of Japan as a low-carbon society,” the panel of outside experts calls on the country to cut heat-trapping gases by 60 to 80 percent from the current by 2050. 2008616日の英文記事からの引用である。最近あまり地球温暖化の問題が取り上げられなくなったという印象を持っていたら、やはりそれは事実であったことがわかった。次の英文を読んで、下の設問に答えましょう。

   Delegates at the U.N. climate change conference in Warsaw have reacted sharply to Japan’s decision to dramatically scale down its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The Japanese government on Friday officially decided to target a 3.8 percent emissions cut by 2020 from 2005 levels.  The figure is equal to 3.1 percent rise from a U.N. benchmark year of 1990 and also reverse the previous 25 percent reduction target. 

The Japanese government set the new target under the assumption that all its nuclear reactors will remain idled.  Japan’s nuclear reactors have been offline following the accident at a nuclear plant in Fukushima in March, 2011.  Representative of the European Union said discussions are ongoing to give momentum to efforts to reduce global warming.  He criticized Japan for making a move that clearly reverse the trend.  The Chinese climate negotiator said that he has no words to express his dismay over Japan’s revised target. 

Chief negotiator Hiroshi Minami said he expected Japan to come under harsh criticism for its new target.  He said the Japanese delegation will try not to have a negative impact on the overall talks. (November 15, 2013)


(1)   日本政府が打ち出した温室効果ガス削減目標はどう変化したでしょうか。

(2)   新しい削減目標に対しての反応はどういうものがあるでしょうか。


(206) (           ) Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have begun a painstaking operation to remove fuel from a damaged reactor building.

(November 19)

painstaking = done with great care and thoroughness

remove fuel(燃料を除去する)

damaged reactor building(被災した原子炉建屋)



(207) (           ) Japan’s Defense Ministry has come up with a proposal to acquire more destroyers amid China’s increased maritime activities.

(November 21)

Japan’s Defense Ministry(日本の防衛省)

acquire = to buy or obtain

amid China’s increased maritime activities(中国が海洋進出を活発化する中で)



(208) (           ) Only one-third of people evacuated from areas near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are willing to return to their homes.

(November 25)


people evacuated from areas near the damaged nuclear plant


willing = ready, eager or prepared



(209) (           ) In Japan’s Diet, a contentious bill to protect the government’s secrets has cleared a Lower House committee and faces a vote by a full chamber on Tuesday.

(November 26)

Japan’s Diet(日本の国会)

contentious bill(論議を呼ぶ)

government’s secrets(特定秘密)



(210) (           ) A Japanese government panel has proposed that the government should choose potential disposal sites for nuclear waste based on scientific information.

(November 28)

potential = having the capacity to develop into something in the future

nuclear waste(核廃棄物)

scientific information(科学的データ)




11-B                              11月(国際ニュース)

(211) (           )The United States faces growing criticism for the National Security Agency’s intelligence gathering activities that target allies around the world. However, a secret alliance was formed following World War II that excluded four close allies.

(November 1)

intelligence gathering activities(諜報収集活動)

target = to select as an object of attention

secret alliance(秘密同盟)




(212) (           ) Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has expressed support for nuclear negotiations being led by President Hassan Rouhani.

(November 4)

supreme leader(最高指導者)

express support(支持を表明する)

lead = to organize and direct



(213) (           ) A Uygur scholar in Beijing is being threatened by Chinese authorities after voicing doubts over the allegations by the Chinese government that a separatist group was behind last week’s deadly car fire near Tiananmen Square.

(November 4)

Uygur scholar(ウイグル人の学者)

voice = to express in words

separatist group(分離独立派のグループ)



(214) (           ) Rescue operations continue in the Philippines after the season’s strongest typhoon ripped through the country’s central part.

(November 10)

rescue operations(救出活動)

season’s strongest typhoon(この時季最大の台風)

rip = to move forcefully and rapidly



(215) (           ) Delegates from industrialized nations and developing countries have locked horns at a U.N. climate conference in Poland.

(November 12)

industrialized nations(工業先進国)

developing countries(開発途上国)

lock horns = to engage in conflict


(216) (           ) The leaders of China’s Communist Party have promised the realization of a fair society while showing signs of tightening their grip on dissenters.

(November 13)

realization of a fair society(公平な社会の実現)

tighten one’s grip = to step up one’s control





 英語はstress languageと呼ばれることがあります。その意味は、単語のレベルでも、センテンスのレベルでも、強く発音されるところと弱く発音されるところの差を設ける言語であるという意味です。たとえば、dissenterという語は最初のeの上にアクセントがあり、


「中道派」とか「穏健派」という意味ではないかと勝手に解釈していたのです。二度目のリスニングでその前にdis-が含まれるところに気づき、「反対派」「反対分子」という意味だと把握できました。リスニングでもう一点注意すべき点は、tighten their gripという表現です。これは反対派などへの「統制を厳しくする」という意味なので瞬時にそこを把握できていれば、この間違いは避けられたのです。


(217) (           ) A world chemical weapons watchdog has decided on a plan to remove most of Syria’s chemical weapons to a third country by the end of the year for disposal.

(November 16)

world chemical weapons watchdog(国際化学兵器監視機関)

third country = a country besides the two primarily involved in a situation,

especially a dispute

for disposal(廃棄処分のために)



(218) (           ) Emerging nations and some developing nations remain strongly opposed to a suggested emissions reduction framework at the U.N. climate conference as it wraps up on Friday.

(November 22)

emerging nations(経済新興国)

framework = a basic structure underlying a system

wrap up(終了する)



(219) (           ) Iran and six world powers have reached agreement on the first step to be taken over the next six months in their talks on Tehran’s nuclear program in Geneva, Switzerland.

(November 24)

world powers(世界の列強国)

agreement = harmony or accordance in opinion

Tehran’s nuclear program(イランの核開発計画)




(220)(           ) The U.S. government has decided to advise all American commercial airlines to notify China before flying through that country’s new air defense identification zone.

(November 30)

U.S. government(米国政府)

commercial airlines(民間機)

notify = to inform (someone) of something, typically in a formal or official manner
