10-A                              10月(国内ニュース)

(181) (           ) Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he will raise the consumption tax as planned to 8 percent next April.

(October 1)

raise = to increase the amount of

consumption tax(消費税)

as planned(計画どおり)



(182) (           ) Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have found more highly radioactive water leaking from a storage tank.

(October 3)

worker = an employee, especially one who does manual or non-executive work

highly radioactive water(高濃度の汚染水)

storage tank(貯蔵タンク)



(183) (           ) A letter of gratitude from Prime Minister Abe has been delivered to the family of a woman who died while rescuing an elderly man at a railway crossing.

(October 7)

letter of gratitude(感謝状)

elderly man(高齢者)

crossing = a place at which one may safely cross something





   A letter of gratitude from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been delivered to the family of a woman who died while rescuing an elderly man at a railway crossing. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga handed the letter to the family on Sunday before the wake for Natsue Murata. 

   She died while rescuing the 74-year-old man at a railway crossing in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture on Tuesday.  She was 40 years old.  It said Murata attempted to rush toward a man who was lying on railway tracks despite the danger and sacrificed her own life.  It said the prime minister offers deep condolences and genuinely honors her courageous motive of putting another person’s life before her own.

   Murata’s father expressed his gratitude for the letter and put it in a picture frame and put it on the altar. The government honored Murata with Red Ribbon and a silver cup for her attempt to save the man’s life. (October 6, 2013)





(184) (           ) Fishermen have resumed catching whitebait in waters off Fukushima Prefecture for the first time since the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011.

(October 12)


catching whitebait(シラス漁)

waters = an area of sea



(185) (           ) Fishermen have tested the waters off the southern coast of Fukushima Prefecture for the first time since the nuclear crisis began two years and 7 months ago.

(October 18)

test the waters(その海域で試験操業をする)

off = out at sea from (a place on the coast)

nuclear crisis(原発事故)



(186) (           ) Rescue workers are still searching for more than 20 missing people on the Izu Oshima Island south of Tokyo in the wake of a powerful storm.

(October 19)

rescue workers(救助隊)

missing people(行方不明の人びと)

in the wake of = following (something), especially as a consequence



(187) (           ) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has promised to work to dispel rumors about seafood caught off Fukushima Prefecture being contaminated with radiation.

(October 20)

work = to make efforts to achieve something

dispel rumors(風評を払拭する)

contaminated with radiation(放射能で汚染される)



(188) (           ) Japan has signed a U.N. statement that says nuclear weapons should not be used under any circumstances.

(October 22)

sign = to authorize (a document) by attaching a signature

nuclear weapons(核兵器)

under any circumstances(いかなる状況下においても)



(189) (           ) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet has approved a bill to protect information designated as state secrets.

(October 25)

Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet(安倍晋三内閣)

bill = a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion

information designated as state secrets(国家の秘密と指定される情報)



 (190) (           ) Japan’s prime minister will present a letter of appreciation to a Chinese man who rescued a boy from a flooding river last month.

(October 31)

letter of appreciation(感謝状)

rescue = to save (someone) from a dangerous or difficult situation

flooding river(氾濫する川)



10-B                              10月(国際ニュース)

(191) (           ) Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Congress have come no closer to ending their budget standoff that triggered a government shutdown on Tuesday.

(October 2)

Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Congress(米議会の民主党と共和党議員)

budget standoff(予算法案をめぐる対立)

trigger = to cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist



(192) (           ) One of the reactors in a nuclear power plant in Sweden was forced to shut down after a large amount of jellyfish clogged up the pipes carrying cooling water to the turbines.

(October 3)

jellyfish = a free-swimming marine coelenterate with a jelly-like bell.

clog up(詰まる)

cooling water(冷却水)



(193) (           ) China, the largest foreign owner of U.S. debt, has urged the U.S. government to act decisively to avoid crisis and ensure the safety of Chinese investments.

(October 8)

owner of U.S. debt(米国の借金の債権者)

act decisively決然たる態度で行動する)

ensure = to make certain



(194) (           ) Delegates from around the world have adopted a treaty to regulate the use and trade of mercury at a U.N. conference in Japan.

(October 9)

adopt a treaty(条約を採択する)

regulate = to control something by means of rules and regulations

use and trade of mercury(水銀の使用と輸出入)



(195) (           ) The United States and Afghanistan are divided over jurisdiction for crimes committed by U.S. troops who will remain in Afghanistan after 2014.

(October 13)

divide = to disagree or cause to disagree


commit crimes(犯罪をおかす)



(196) (           ) The U.S. Congress has approved a bill to reopen the government and avoid the U.S. default just before the deadline to raise the debt limit.

(October 17)

U.S. Congress(米議会)


deadline = the date by which something should be completed



(197) (           ) Negotiators from Iran and 6 major powers say Tehran’s new nuclear proposals generated substantive and forward-looking talks.

(October 17)

Tehran’s new nuclear proposals(イラン政府の新たな核開発案)

generate = to produce or create

substantive and forward-looking talks(本質的でかつ前向きな交渉)







(198) (           ) A German newspaper says U.S. President Barack Obama has known for the last three years his National Security Agency was eavesdropping on Chancellor Angela Merkel.

(October 28)

National Security Agency(国家安全局)

eavesdrop = to secretly listen to a conversation

Chancellor Angela Merkel(アンゲラ・メルケル首相)



(199) (           ) The U.N. and Arab League envoy has asked the Syrian foreign minister to cooperate in holding an international peace conference to resolve the civil war.

(October 30)

hold = to arrange and take part in

international peace conference(国際和平会議)

civil war(内戦)



(200) (           ) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has demanded that the West and Gulf Arab nations stop their aid to rebels in Syria, if they hope to convene peace talks in Geneva.

(October 31)

Gulf Arab nations(湾岸アラブ諸国)

aid to rebels(反乱軍兵士への援助)

convene = to come together for




 リスニングはいつまでたっても自信が持てません。特にニュースの聞き取りでは、常に新しい情報が流れるという点と、その情報が常に聞き手の知識の範囲内にあるとは限らないからです。さらに、音が連続する中で、意味の単位で識別するためには、時に至難の業が要求されるからです。that the West and Gulf Arab nationsthat western Gulf Arab nationsと聞き取りながら、「西湾岸のアラブ諸国ってどこの国が含まれるのだろう」と真剣に考えていたのです。西洋諸国と湾岸のアラブ諸国がシリア問題で協議していることを長い間ニュースで聞き続けていたにもかかわらず、またしてもリスニングで失敗してしまいました。