Monthly English Chronicles



5-A                               5月(国内ニュース)

(81) (     /     ) A vice president of Tokyo Electric Power Company says he believes the nuclear crisis at Fukushima nuclear power plant is a man-made disaster.

(May 1)

vice president(副社長)

nuclear crisis(原子力発電事故)

man-made = caused by human beings

() 東京電力の副社長は、福島原子力発電事故は人災であると思うと言明した。



 原子力発電所を動かしている会社の副社長が自らの会社の危機管理問題で「人災」という言葉を使うはずはない、と勝手に想像したために、a man-made disasterが聞きとれず、最初私のディクテーションノートにはamendment disasterと記されている。正しい答えを知ってから聴きなおせば、何てことはない間違いでしたが、意外にこれは侮れないリスニングの落とし穴かもしれません。


(82) (     /     ) Radiation levels 100 to 1,000 times above normal have been detected in the seabed near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

(May 4)

radiation level(放射能レベル)

100 to 1,000 times above normal(平常の100倍から1,000倍の)

seabed = ocean floor

() 平常の100倍から1,000倍の濃度の放射能が被災した福島第一原子力発電所の近くの海底で検出された。


(83) (     /     ) Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan has asked a utility firm in central Japan to halt operations of all active reactors at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant, due to the risk of massive earthquakes.

(May 7)

utility firm(公益事業会社)*電気・ガス・上下水道・交通機関などの事業を指す

active = working

risk of massive earthquakes(大規模地震の危険)

() 日本の菅直人首相は、日本中部の電力会社に大規模地震の危険のため、浜岡原子力発電所の稼働する全原子炉の運転を停止するように要請した。


(84) (     /     ) Highly radioactive water was found leaking into the sea from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Wednesday.

(May 12)

leak = (of a container or covering) accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack


nuclear plant = nuclear power plant(原子力発電所)

() 高濃度に放射能汚染された水が被災した福島第一原子力発電所から海に漏れ出ていることがわかった。


(85) (     /     ) The last operating reactor at the Hamaoka nuclear plant in central Japan has stopped generating electricity as part of the process to suspend the plant’s operations due to fears that it may be hit by a massive earthquake.

(May 14)

central Japan(日本中部)

generate electricity(発電する)

fears = concerns; causes of anxiety or worry

() 日本中部の浜岡原子力発電所で稼働する最後の原子炉が、大規模地震に見舞われるかもしれないという恐れから原子力発電所の稼働を停止させる過程の一部として発電を停止した。


(86) (     /     )Tokyo Electric Power Company will post a historic loss of around 15 billion dollars in the fiscal year ending in March.  This is due to the huge cost of recovery efforts arising from the recent disaster.

(May 20)

post = to announce or publish (something, especially a financial result)

huge cost(膨大な費用)

recovery efforts(復興努力)

() 東京電力は、3月で終わる会計年度で約150億ドルという膨大な損失を計上する予定である。この原因は最近の災害の復興努力に要した膨大な費用である。


(87) (     /     ) The Japanese government has decided to join an international

pact for settling cross-border disputes over child custody.

(May 20)

international pact(国際的な条約=ハーグ条約)

= the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

cross-border dispute(国境を超える問題)

custody = (Law) parental responsibility, especially as allocated to

one of two divorcing parents

() 日本政府は、子どもの保護をめぐって国境を超える問題を解決するために国際的な条約に加盟することを決定した。




   The Japanese government has decided to join an international pact for settling cross-border disputes over child custody.

   Japan has come under heavy pressure from the United States and other Western countries to sign the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

   The pact is designed to prevent a parent in a failed international marriage from taking children back to their country without the consent of their former spouse.  It also sets out a procedure to repatriate children in these cases.

   On Friday, the Cabinet agreed to prepare domestic legislation for signing the treaty.

   The government will create a department in the Foreign Ministry that will be in charge of locating children when there is a request from other countries to return them.

   The legislation will set up court procedures to order parents to return children to former spouses, as well as stipulate cases in which children would not have to be returned.

   Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters that child custody disputes are difficult issues, but that it is desirable for Japan to comply with an international standard.  He said he expects the new measures will better secure the welfare of children.                   (May 20) 


(1)   ハーグ条約は何を目的とする条約何でしょうか。

(2)   日本がハーグ条約に加盟する理由は何でしょうか。


(88) (     /     ) Prime Minister Naoto Kan will announce Japan’s new project to develop renewable energy at the forthcoming G8 summit in Deauville, France.

(May 22)

project =an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned

to achieve a particular aim

renewable energy(再生可能エネルギー)


() 菅首相は、フランスのドービルで近く行われるG8サミットで再生可能エネルギーを開発する日本の新しいプロジェクトを発表する。


(89) (     /     ) Prime Minister Naoto Kan has said Japan will aim to dramatically reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

(May 26)

dramatically= suddenly and strikingly

reduce reliance(依存度を減らす)

fossil fuel(化石燃料)

() 菅直人首相は、日本が化石燃料や原子力エネルギーに対する依存度を劇的に減らすことを目指すと言明した。


(90) (     /     ) A prestigious Wolf Prize has been awarded to the Japanese scientist who was the first to create induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells from human skin cells.

(May 30)

prestigious =having high status

iPS cells = induced pluripotent stem cells(誘導多能幹細胞)

human skin(人間の皮膚)

() 名誉あるウルフ賞が、ヒトの皮膚から得た人口多能性幹細胞、いわゆるiPS細胞をつくり出すことに世界で初めて成功した日本人科学者に贈られた。


5-B                               5月(国際ニュース)

(91) (     /     ) U.S. President Barack Obama says Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been killed in Pakistan in an operation led by U.S. forces.

(May 2)

Al Qaeda leader(アルカイダの指導者)

operation =an organized activity involving a number of people

led by U.S. forces(米軍主導の)

() 米国のオバマ大統領は、アルカイダの指導者オサマ・ビンラディン容疑者が米国主導の軍事行動でパキスタンにおいて殺害されたと発表した。


(92) (     /     ) Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi have planted underwater mines in the western port of Misrata.  The move has prevented the wounded from being transported out of the opposition-controlled city.

(May 4)

plant = to secretly place (a bomb that is set to go off at a later time)

underwater mine(海底地雷)


() リビアの指導者カダフィ大佐に忠誠を尽くす軍隊はリビア西部の港町ミスラータに海底地雷を埋めたが、この行動は反政府軍が制圧している都市から負傷した人々が運搬されるのを阻止してきた。


(93) (     /     ) UNESCO’s advisory bodies have recommended two sites in Japan for inclusion on its World Heritage list: one is the Hiraizumi district in Iwate Prefecture and the other, the Pacific islands of Ogasawara.

(May 7)

site = a place where a particular event or activity is occurring or has occurred

for inclusion(入れるために)

World Heritage list(世界遺産リスト)




<文法の知識5>―Onethe other

 ユネスコが今回「世界遺産」として推薦した箇所は2か所です。この範囲の中で、「1つ目は」と表現する時は、one を使います。1つが決まれば、残りは1つだけで、しかも限定されるために「他のもの」でかつ、「限定されるもの」と理解できます。その結果、the otherとなります。では三つという範囲であれば、どうなるでしょうか。1つ目はやはりoneとなりますが、二つ目は「もう1つの他のもの」という意味でanother (an+other)となります。最後の1つはまた限定されるので、the otherとなります。


(94) (     /     ) Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has expressed strong displeasure at U.S. President Barack Obama’s accusations concerning Pakistani networks of support for Osama bin Laden.

(May 10)

displeasure = a feeling of annoyance or disapproval


networks of support(支援ネットワーク)



(95) (     /     ) A U.S. non-governmental organization says North Korea has abducted more than 180,000 foreigners, including Japan and South Korea.

(May 13)

non-governmental organization=NGO(非政府組織)

abduct = to take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap

more than 180,000 foreigners18万人を超える外国人)



(96) (     /     ) Myanmar’s government has begun releasing more than 14,000 prisoners under a clemency program.

(May 18)

release = to set free





(97) (     /     ) North Korean leader Kim Jong Il’s son, heir-apparent, Kim Jong Un, is visiting China.

*A top South Korean official has suggested that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is visiting China, not his heir-apparent as initially reported. (7:46 p.m.)

(May 20)


suggest = to state indirectly

as initially reported(最初報道されたように)



(98) (     /     ) In Libya, NATO warplanes have carried out an intense bombardment of the capital Tripoli to support opponents of Muammar al-Qadhafi.

(May 24)

warplane = an aeroplane designed and equipped to engage in air combat or

 to drop bombs

intense bombardment(激しい爆撃)




(99) (     /     ) The Swiss government has decided to decommission all existing nuclear reactors, heading for a major shift in the nation’s energy policy.

(May 26)

Swiss government(スイス政府)


head for = to appear to be moving inevitably towards



(100) (     /     ) The international energy agency has estimated the carbon dioxide emission topped 30 billion tons last year, hitting an all-time high.

(May 31)

estimate = to roughly calculate the extent of (something)

carbon dioxide emission(二酸化炭素排出量)

hit an all-time high(過去最高の高さを記録する)
