Monthly English Chronicles


3-A                               3月(国内ニュース)

(41) (     /     ) Food and clothing manufacturers here in Japan are hiring more foreign workers as part of their effort to boost business performances abroad.

(March 1)


boost = to help (something) improve

business performance(営業成績)

() ここ日本の食品および服飾製造業者は海外での営業成績の改善策の一つとして外国人労働者を雇うことになった。


(42) (     /     ) Japan’s Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara has apologized for receiving donations from a foreign national, which is banned under the political funds control law.

(March 5)

apologize = to express regret for something that one has done wrong


political funds control law(政治資金規正法)

() 日本の前原誠司外相は、在日外国人から政治献金を受け取ったことで謝罪した。政治献金の受取は政治資金規正法で禁じられている。


(43) (     /     ) A U.S. State Department official is accused of describing Okinawans as “masters of extortions”, who are trying to make money from the relocation of a U.S. base in their prefecture.

(March 8)

accuse A of doing BBをやったことで非難する)

master = a person who has complete control of something


() 米国務省の高官が、沖縄の人々を沖縄の米軍基地移転問題でお金を儲けようとしている「ゆすり名人」と呼んだことで非難を受けている。


(44) (      /      ) The Meteorological Agency is warning that very high tsunami are expected in the following areas: The Pacific coast of Aomori Prefecture, the coast of Iwate Prefecture, the coast of Miyagi Prefecture, the coast of Fukushima Prefecture.  The waves can be more than three meters high in some of the areas mentioned.  Everyone near the coast must evacuate to a higher ground.

(March 12)

meteorological agency(気象庁)


evacuate = to leave a dangerous place to a safer place

() 気象庁は次の地域で高波の可能性があるとして警報を出した。青森県の太平洋海岸、岩手県の海岸、宮城県の海岸、福島県の海岸。以上の地域では所により、高さ3メートル以上の高波に見舞われる可能性がある。海岸付近に住む住民はすべて高台に避難して下さい。




   A massive earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on Friday has killed at least 95 people.  Many people are missing, while authorities are warning Pacific coastal areas to be on the alert for possible tsunami of up to 10 meters high.

   Japan’s Meteorological Agency says the quake on Friday afternoon had an estimated magnitude of 8.8, making it the most powerful one to hit the country since record-keeping began in the late 19th century.

   The quake struck at 2:46 PM local time, off the Pacific coast of Miyagi Prefecture, at an estimated depth of 24 kilometers.  Tremors in Miyagi registered an intensity of 7—the maximum level on the Japanese scale of 0 to 7.  Strong tremors were felt hundreds of kilometers away, including in Tokyo.  Several magnitude-7-class aftershocks continued off the Pacific coast.

   The Meteorological Agency has issued major tsunami warnings to broad areas, from Hokkaido in the north, to Tokushima in the west.  The agency says these areas could see water levels surge by more than 10 meters.

   At 3:50 PM Friday, a tsunami surging higher than 7.3 meters struck Soma Port in Fukushima Prefecture.  A 4.2-meter tsunami hit Oarai in Ibaragi Prefecture at 4:52 PM, while tsunami more than 4 meters high struck Kamaishi and Miyako in Iwate Prefecture at 3:21 PM.

   NHK has learned that at least 95 people have been killed in the quake and tsunami, including 41 in Iwate Prefecture, 11 in Miyagi Prefecture, 26 in Fukushima Prefecture.  Many more are missing.

   A 6-year-old child was killed in Miyagi, when the ceiling of a supermarket collapsed.  The child’s mother is reported in serious condition.

   At least 97 fires have been reported in 9 prefectures—the largest number of them in Miyagi.  In Chiba Prefecture, a massive blaze is raging at a Cosmo Oil refinery.  A man in his 30s has reportedly suffered severer bums all over his body.

   Narita Airport near Tokyo has partially resumed operations.  But several airports remain closed in northeastern Japan, including one in Sendai.

   Shinkansen bullet train operations have been called off for the day in central and northeastern Japan, and all train services have been suspended in the Tokyo Metropolitan areas.  Expressways are closed to traffic in northeastern Japan and in central Tokyo.

   According to electric power companies, 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan are without power.  Nearly 4-million more households are also under a blackout in the Tokyo Metropolitan area.

   The Meteorological Agency is warning of more possible tsunami and aftershocks.  It says people in areas where major tsunami warnings are in effect should evacuate to safer grounds. 

(March 11, 2011)

(問1) 気象庁が津波警報を発令した範囲はどれくらいのものでしょうか。

(問2) 地震直後の空と陸の交通手段状況はどのようなものだったでしょうか。



(45) (      /      ) Today we are changing our regular program and bring you up to date on a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that occurred exactly one week ago today, as well as the latest current situation on a nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture.

(March 18)

up to date = until now

catastrophic earthquake(大地震)

latest current situation(最新の現況)

() 今日は普通の番組を変えて、ちょうど一週間前に起こった大地震と津波についてッ最新の状況をお伝えします。同時に、福島県の原子力発電所に関しても最新の現況をお伝えします。


(46) (      /      ) More than 7,000 deaths have been confirmed in the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan.  More than 10,000 others are still missing.

(March 19)


devastating earthquake(大地震)

hit = occur in suddenly

() 日本の北東部を襲った大地震と津波で7,000以上の人の死亡が確認された。10,000以上の人が未だに行方不明である。


(47) (      /      ) Japan’s science ministry is publishing radiation levels monitored nationwide on its website with the information also available in English, Korean and Chinese.

(March 21)

Japan’s science ministry(日本の文部科学省)

monitor = to observe and check the progress of (something) over a period of time


() 日本の文部科学省は、そのホームページ上で、全国で観察された放射能レベルを英語、韓国語、中国語で公表している。



 文部科学省を手元の和英辞典で調べるとMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologyとなっています。しかし、ニュースを聞いているといつもそのような長い正式名称で言われることはありません。ただし、日本語の場合は、正式か、略称かのどちらかではないでしょうか。文部科学省か、文科省か。でも英語では、そのニュースの中で、教育に関係する場合は、Ministry of Educationで切り、科学に関係するニュースではMinistry of Scienceという傾向が強いと思われます。他の省についても同じことが言えそうです。たとえば、農林水産省の正式名称は、The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheriesですが、218日のヘッドラインではJapan’s Fisheries Ministryでした。


(48) (      /      ) An excess level of radioactive iodine is detected in five prefectures including Tokyo, in the figures of more than three times higher than the government’s safety standards.

(March 24)

excess = an amount of something that is more than permitted

radioactive iodine(放射性ヨウ素)

safety standards(安全基準)

() 放射性ヨウ素の過度な検出量が東京を含む5つの件で観察された。この量は、政府が設定した安全基準を3倍も上回るものである。


(49)(      /      ) At the quake-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant, high radioactive density detected in three turbine buildings may further delay work to restore the cooling systems for the overheated fuel rods.

(March 28)

high radioactive density(高濃度放射能)

turbine = a machine for producing continuous power in which a wheel or rotor, typically fitted with vanes, is made to revolve by a fast moving flow of water, steam, gas, air, or other fluids.

overheated fuel rod(過熱した燃料棒)

() 震災にあった福島県の原子力発電所で、機のタービン建屋で確認された高濃度放射能は、過熱した燃料棒を冷却するシステム修理の作業をさらに遅らせる可能性がある。


(50)(      /      ) The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says radioactive iodine in excess of 3,300 times the national limit was found in seawater near the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Tuesday afternoon.

(March 30)

Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency(原子力安全・保安院)


troubled =beset by problems or difficulties

() 原子力安全・保安院は、国家基準を3,300倍越える高濃度のヨー素が火曜日午後、福島第一原子力発電所の近くの海水から検出されたと発表した。


3-B                               3月(国際ニュース)

(51) (     /     ) Saudi Arabia’s king is trying to avoid similar unrest in neighboring countries with the 36 billion dollar aid package aimed at young and low-income people.

(March 1)


package = a set of proposals agreed as a whole




(52) (     /     ) The U.N. Security Council expresses strong concern that a civil war may start again in Cote d’Ivoire and calls on both sides to exercise self-restraint.

(March 4)

civil war(内戦)

Cote d’Ivoire = French name for Ivory Coast

exercise self-restraint(自制する)



(53) (     /     ) Iranian authorities block attempts by demonstrators to protest Tehran after pro-reform campaigners make on-line appeals for nation-wide rallies.

(March 9)

block = to put an obstacle in the way of


on-line appeal(ウェブサイト上でのアピール)



(54) (     /     ) As Libyan government forces conduct aerial bombing so as to cut crucial lifelines, NATO members agree authority to establish a no-fly zone over Libyan airspace must come from the U.N.

(March 11)

aerial bombing(空爆)

cut crucial lifelines(重要なライフラインを分断する)

airspace = the air available to aircraft to fly in, especially the part subject to the jurisdiction of a particular country



(55) (     /     ) The yen has been stabilized at the levels of 80 to 81 against the dollar, following a coordinated intervention by the Group of Seven nations.

(March 19)


coordinate = to negotiate with others in order to work together effectively


()円は、先進7カ国が 協調介入した後、ドルに対して80円から81円の水準で安定した。



過去9年間、英語ニュースを毎日聞き、ヘッドラインだけは書き取ってきましたが、いまだによく間違えます。今日の箇所では、第一回目の書き取りでstabilized の後にthat are the levels of 80 to 81と書いてあります。どうしてこのような間違いをしてしまったのでしょう。理由は、stabilizedの最後のdatがくっついてしまってthatに聞きとってしまっていたからです。一旦そう考えてしまうと、なかなかthatから脱皮できません。突破口は、levelの前にどんな前置詞が来るかと自問し、英語活用辞典でat the level ofが目に入った時に開かれました。再度テープを聞き直してみたのです。すると明確に上のヘッドラインのように聞こえたのです。このように耳だけを頼りにリスニングをすると、目で見た場合は何ら問題にならないことも意外に難しく感じるものです。




(56) (     /     ) The U.N. secretary general says the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant remains very serious and presents a strong warning to the global community.

(March 22)

serious =worrying because of possible danger or risk

present a strong warning(強い警告を発する)

global community(国際社会)



(57) (     /     ) The World Bank estimates the damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake may reach as high as 235 billion dollars.

(March 22)

estimate = to judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of


Great East Japan Earthquake(東日本大震災)



(58) (     /     ) The U.N. secretary general calls for an international review of international nuclear power management.

(March 24)

call for = to make necessary

international review(国際的な検証)

international nuclear power management(原子力の国際的管理)



(59) (     /     ) Germany’s anti-nuclear Green Party made major advances in an election on Sunday in a southwestern state with an increasing number of people coming out against nuclear power.

(March 28)

Green Party(緑の党)

make major advances(大躍進する)

come out against = to declare oneself as being against something



(60) (     /     ) France says it will send three more nuclear experts to Japan to help with efforts to remove highly radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

(March 30)

expert = a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area


highly radioactive water(高濃度の放射能に汚染された水)
