Monthly English Chronicles


2-A                               2月(国内ニュース)

(21) (     /     ) Japan’s fiscal health continues to worsen with state liabilities now exceeding assets for the first time in about 30 years due to rising government debt owed to bondholders.

(February 1)

fiscal health(財政状態)

liabilities = things for which someone is responsible, especially an amount of

money owed




(22) (     /     ) The Japan Sumo Association has decided to cancel next month’s major tournament, due to the on-going investigation into the match-fixing scandal.

(February 6)

Japan Sumo Association(日本相撲協会)

on-going = continuing to develop

match-fixing scandal(八百長疑惑)



(23) (     /     ) Four workers were exposed to radiation at a nuclear fuel plant, northeast of Tokyo, in an accident that was caused by a device that failed to work properly.

(February 9)


nuclear fuel plant(原子力発電所)

device = a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of

          Mechanical or electronic equipment



(24) (     /     ) All Nippon Airways joins forces with a Hong Kong investment firm to serve cities in Japan, China and South Korea.

(February 11)

All Nippon Airways(全日空)

investment firm(投資会社)

serve = to provide (an area) with a product or service



(25) (     /     ) The foreign ministers of Japan and Russia have discussed the territorial issue involving four Russian-held islands claimed by Japan, but differences between the two sides have not been narrowed.

(February 12)

territorial issue(領土問題)

four Russian-held islands claimed by Japan(日本の北方領土)

narrow = to make less wide



(26) Newly released figures show Japan’s economy stumbled in the last quarter of 2010, contracting for the first time in five quarters and ceding to China its spot as the world’s second largest economy.

(February 14)

stumble = to trip or momentarily lose one’s balance


cede to China its spot as the world’s second largest economy





 NHKの英語ニュースでは、日本で報道される日本語ニュースと内容的に同じものが流れる可能性が大きいので、ニュースを聞きながら、「ああ、これはあの事だな!」と思うことがしばしばあります。中国が日本を抜いて「世界第二位の経済大国になる」のは時間の問題だと思っていましたが、それに対する英語表現はすぐに思い浮かべることはできないでいました。それが英語でズバリ言われたのです。「なるほどね」という実感と共にその英語表現はすぐに腑に落ちました。ceding to China its spot as the world’s second largest economy

言いますが、少し説明がいりますね。主語はJapan’s economyです。cedeの目的語が長い

(its spot as the world’s second largest economy)ので、副詞句(to China)の方が先にきています。


(27) The decision by the government of the U.S. state of Florida to refuse federal funds to build a high-speed railway line in his state could end negotiations on shinkansen bullet train technology.

(February 17)

refuse = to show that one is not willing to do something

high-speed railway line(高速鉄道網)

shinkansen bullet train technology(新幹線の高速列車技術)



(28) (     /     ) Japan’s Fisheries Ministry calls off this winter’s research whaling because of the obstruction of operations by a conservation group in the Antarctic waters.

(February 18 )

call off = to cancel an event or agreement

obstruction of operations(操業妨害)

Antarctic waters(南氷洋)



(29) (     /     ) Higher raw material prices will make tires more expensive as major Japanese car and motorcycle tire makers plan to raise the prices by seven to eight percent from April.

(February 21)

raw material (原材料)

expensive = costing a lot of money

car and motorcycle tire makers(自動車や自動二輪車のタイヤメーカー)




(30) (     /     ) The resignation of a Democratic Party lawmaker from a senior government post has highlighted a deep rift within the governing party led by Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

(February 24)

senior government post (政府の上級職)

highlight = draw special attention to

deep rift(深い亀裂)



2-B                               2月(国際ニュース)

(31) (     /     ) Concerns over the political unrest in Egypt are affecting Japanese companies doing business in the country while crude oil futures rose in both London and New York.

(February 1)

political unrest(政治的不安)

affect = to have an effect on

crude oil futures(原油の先物取引価格)



(32) (     /     ) A powerful cyclone slams into Australia’s northeastern Queensland state, washing off roads and cutting power to thousands of households.

(February 3)

slam = to crash into; collide heavily with

wash off(洗い流す)




(33) (     /     ) Despite two years of negotiations on ways to reform the U.N. Security Council, a draft proposal shows that governments around the world remain far apart on key issues.

(February 11)

Despite = In spite of

a draft proposal(提案の草稿)

remain far apart(依然大きな隔たりがある状態である)



(34) (     /     ) After weeks of protest in Egypt, Hosni Mubarak has stepped down as president.  The military Supreme Council is now in power temporarily.

(February 12)

step down = to resign

military Supreme Council(軍の最高評議会)




 (35) (     /     ) Thousands of anti-government demonstrators took to the streets in Algeria and Yemen on Saturday, one day after the resignation of Egyptian President Mubarak.

(February 13)

thousands of(何千もの)

take to the streets = to go to the streets to do something together

resignation of Egyptian President Mubarak(エジプトのムバラク大統領の辞任)



(36) (     /     ) U.S. President Barack Obama unveils a budget plan that aims to trim the nation’s deficit by a trillion dollars over 10 years, but the Republicans say the measures don’t go far enough.

(February 15)

unveil a budget plan(予算案を発表する)

trim = to reduce the amount

don’t go far enough(あまり効果がない)



(37) (     /     ) Anti-government protests continued on Thursday throughout the Middle East as more demonstrations are killed in clashes with security forces.

(February 18)

anti-government protest(反政府運動)

clash =a violent confrontation

security forces(治安部隊)



(38) (     /     ) Round the clock rescue operations continue in Christchurch on New Zealand’s South Island, where a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck on Tuesday.

(February 23)

round the clock = all day and all night

New Zealand’s South Island(ニュージーランドの南島)

6.3 magnitude earthquake(マグニチュード6.3の地震)



<文法の知識2>-round the clockは副詞句か、形容詞句かー


(1)   Rescuers are working round the clock to find those who are still missing.

(2)   Round the clock rescue operations continue.

(1)   では、round the clockworking(動詞)を修飾しているので副詞句。

(2)   では、round the clock rescue operations(名詞句)を修飾しているので形容詞句。


(39) (     /     ) While thousands flee his country, Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi defiantly says he and his supporters will resist anti-government demonstrators in the capital Tripoli.

(February 28)

flee = to run away from a place or situation of danger


resist anti-government demonstrators(反政府運動に抵抗する)



(40) (     /     ) In Christchurch, New Zealand, rescue operations continue at a collapsed building, where students, including Japanese, were attending language school.

(February 28)

rescue operation(救援活動)

collapsed building(倒壊した建物)

attend = to go regularly to






Authorities in New Zealand say at least 75 people have been confirmed dead and 300 missing after Tuesday’s powerful earthquake near Christchurch on the South island.

Efforts to rescue people trapped in collapsed buildings are continuing for the second night in a row, as the government imposed an overnight curfew on Wednesday to avoid further casualties from aftershocks.

Japan’s Foreign Ministry says a total of 24 Japanese remain unaccounted for.  Among the group are English-language school students from Toyama Prefecture.

Rescue work at the site of a collapsed building where the students are believed to be trapped was suspended on Wednesday due to fears that a nearby building would topple on top of it.

But local police have told NHK that the work resumed late in the evening, as it has been confirmed safe to proceed.

Local media reports says that at least 7 buildings in Christchurch, including the cathedral, have collapsed, possibly trapping many people underneath.

New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management says roads, water pipes and other infrastructure have been badly damaged.

Port facilities have also been hurt, which could be a setback for transporting relief supplies.

(February 23, 2011)


