October 8, Friday, 2021 (1:30 p.m.) Newsline

1.The Japan Meteorological Agency says the tremor which shook Tokyo and surrounding areas on Thursday night was smaller in scale than a major earthquake which could occur directly underneath the capital. The Cabinet Office estimates that such an earthquake could register an intensity of seven on the Japanese seismic scale of zero to seven in Tokyo. It says the death toll could be about 23,000 in a worst case scenario.
2.A research institute affiliated with North Korea’s foreign ministry has issued a warning about Japan’s new Prime Minister Kishida Fumio having raised the abduction issue during talks with leaders of other nations. The institute claimed the issue has already been resolved.
3. New coronavirus infections have continued to decline in the week since Japan lifted its state of emergency. Now, officials want to further ease restrictions on social activities. The government is now testing ways to increase the number of travelers and spectators at sporting events.