



2-A                               2月(国内ニュース)

(21)(          ) The International Judo Federation has condemned violent training methods allegedly used by two coaches of the Japanese national women’s team.

(February 1)

International Judo Federation(国際柔道連盟)

violent training method(暴力的訓練方法)

coach = an instructor or trainer in sport






(22)(          ) Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says it is regrettable that a Chinese frigate directed its fire-control radar at a Japanese destroyer.

(February 6)


direct one’s fire-control radar at ~(~に対して照射する)

destroyer = a small, fast warship, especially one equipped for a defensive role against submarines and aircraft



(23)(          ) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to tell U.S. President Barack Obama that he is in favor of joining an international treaty for settling child custody disputes.

(February 10)

favor = approval, support, or liking for something

international treaty(国際的条約)cf.ハーグ条約

child custody(児童保護権)



(24)(          ) The Japanese government will launch an expert panel to discuss the creation of a new state body to deal with foreign diplomacy and national security policy.

(February 11)

panel = a small group of people brought together to investigate or decide

on a particular matter

foreign diplomacy(外交)

national security policy(国家安全保障政策)

() 日本政府は、外交および国家安全保障政策を取り扱うため、新たな国家機関創設を協議するため専門家による審議会を発足させることになった。


(25)(          ) The Japanese government is drawing up guidelines aimed at protecting people from air pollution that originates in China.

(February 14)

draw something up = to prepare a plan, agreement, or other document in detail

air pollution(大気汚染)

originate in China(発生源が中国である)

() 日本政府は、発生源が中国である大気汚染から国民を守るためのガイドラインを策定している。


(26)(          ) The Japanese government will study better ways to use aircraft for rescuing its citizens involved in terrorist attacks and other emergencies in foreign countries.

(February 16)

rescue = to save someone from a dangerous or difficult situation

terrorist attack(テロ攻撃)


() 日本政府は、外国でテロ攻撃やその他の非常時に巻き込まれる日本国民を救出するために航空機を使うより良い方法を検討することになった。


(27)(          ) Japan’s government plans to establish overseas centers to provide legal support for Japanese citizens after it ratifies an international treaty for settling child custody disputes.

(February 18)

center = a place or group of buildings where a specified activity is concentrated

legal support(法的支援)


() 日本政府は児童保護権問題解決のため国際条約批准後、日本国民の法的支援センターを海外に創設する計画である。


(28)(          ) Japan’s Shimane Prefecture is holding an event on Friday to promote its claim over the disputed islands in the Sea of Japan.

(February 22)

event= a planned public occasion


disputed islands(争点となっている島々)

() 日本の島根県は、日本海にある争点となっている島々の小有権をさらに強くアピールするため金曜日ある行事を行っている。


(29)(          ) Market factors are pushing many members of the major opposition Democratic Party of Japan to go along with Prime Minister Abe’s choices for the new Bank of Japan leadership.

(February 26)

market factor(市場の要因)

major opposition(一大野党)

leadership = the leaders of an organization



(30)(          )The government has set up an advisory panel to work out concrete plans for a project called “Cool Japan,” aimed at commercializing Japanese pop culture overseas.

(February 27)

advisory panel(諮問機関)

concrete plan(具体的な計画)

commercialize = to manage or exploit (an activity) in a way designed

to make a profit

() 政府は海外で日本の大衆文化を商業化することを目的とする「クール・ジャパン」という呼ばれるプロジェクトのために具体的な計画を立てるために諮問機関をつくった。


2-B                               2月(国際ニュース)

(31)(          ) President Francois Hollande has indicated France’s intention to have its forces hand over their military missions in Mali to the Malian government and neighboring countries in the near future.

(February 3)

intention = an aim or plan

hand over (委譲する)

Malian government(マリ共和国政府)

() オランド大統領は、フランス軍をマリ共和国に派遣する目的は近い将来、マリ共和国政府と近隣諸国にその軍事的使命を委譲するためであると指摘した。


(32)(          ) U.S. transportation authority officials say last month’s fire on a Boeing 787 plane in Boston could be blamed on the battery design.

(February 8)

U.S. transportation authority(米運輸省当局)

blame something on = to assign the responsibility for a bad or unfortunate situation or phenomenon to something

battery design(電池の設計)

()米運輸省当局の担当官は、先月ボストンで起こったボーイング787機の 火災は、電池の設計ミスが原因である可能性があると発表した。


 (33)(          ) Algerian media are reporting that three workers at a natural gas complex have been arrested on suspicion of providing Islamic militants with internal information before the deadly hostage siege last month.

(February 9)

complex = a system of different things that are linked in a close or complicated way

internal information(内部情報)

hostage siege(人質事件)

() アルジェリアの報道機関は、天然ガスコンビナートの3人の作業員が死者が出た先月の人質事件が起こる前にイスラム教徒の武装集団に内部情報を提供した容疑で逮捕されたことを伝えている。


(34)(          ) The start of the Lunar New Year in China is celebrated with a large amount of fireworks.  However, the traditional practice is contributing to the growing problem of air pollution.

(February 10)

Lunar New Year(旧正月)


practice = the customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing

of something

() 中国では、旧正月が始まったが、大量の花火で祝われる。しかし、この伝統的な行事が大気汚染という問題の原因になっている。


(35)(          ) North Korea warns that it will carry out more nuclear tests if the United States keeps up its hostile attitude against the country.

(February 13)

nuclear test(核実験)

keep something up = to continue a course of action

hostile attitude(敵対する態度)

() 北朝鮮は、米国が同国に対し、敵対する態度を取り続けるかぎり、さらに多くの核実験を実行すると警告している。


(36)(          ) More than a thousand people were injured when what is believed to be a meteor exploded over central Russia, shattering windows and damaging buildings.

(February 16)


explode = to burst or make something burst loudly and violently, causing damage

shatter windows(窓を粉砕する)

() 隕石と思われる物体がロシア中央の上空で爆発し、窓ガラスが粉々に割れ、建物が損傷を受けた。その結果、1,000人以上の人々が怪我をした。




The U.S. space agency NASA says the meteor in Russia had a mass of about 10,000 tons. The strong wind and shock wave caused by the meteor’s explosion injured more than 1,000 people in the central Russian province of Chelyabinsk on Friday. Provincial officials say the estimated economic damage is at least 32 million dollars, including broken windows. 

NASA announced later in the day its analysis of images and shock wave data observed at a media teleconference.  Officials said the object was about 17 meters in diameter and weighed about 10,000 tons before it hit the atmosphere and broken apart.  NASA estimates the speed at which it entered the atmosphere was around 64,000 kilometers an hour, or 18 kilometers a second.  It also says the meteor emitted energy equivalent to 500 kilotons of TNT when it exploded in a bright flash at an altitude of around 20 kilometers.  The energy is more than 30 times that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. 

Russian authorities found a hole about 8 meters in diameter at a frozen lake about 70 kilometers west of Chelyabinsk.  A crater-like hole 6 meters across was also found by the lake side.  Fragments of the meteor have been reportedly found at 4 locations.  Officials said the meteor is the largest reported since 1908, when a meteor hit Tunguska, Siberia.  It mowed down a forest as large as Tokyo after entering the atmosphere. (February 16, 2013)


(1)  アメリカ航空宇宙局によれば、ロシアに落下した隕石で大気圏に突入し、粉砕する前はどのくらいの重さがあったと見積もられていますか。

(2)  隕石が爆発した時のエネルギーは原爆と比べてどれくらい大きいものであったのでしょうか。


(37)(          ) Group of 20 finance ministers and central bankers have agreed that they should avoid currency wars, or competitive devaluations of currencies.

(February 17)

banker = a person who manages or owns a bank or group of banks

currency war(通貨戦争)

competitive devaluations of currencies(通貨切り下げ競争)

() 主要20カ国・地域(G20)の財務相および中央銀行総裁らは通貨戦争、つまり通貨切り下げ競争は避けることという点で合意した。





(38)(          ) China’s state-run Xinhuan News Agency has reported that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has failed to gain U.S. backing on the current dispute with China over islands in the East China Sea.

(February 24)


backing = help or support

current dispute(現在進行中の論争)

() 中国の国営新華社通信は、日本の安倍首相が東シナ海の島をめぐって中国と




(39)(          ) New South Korean President Park Geun-hye has called on North JapanKorea to halt its provocations and try to improve bilateral negotiations.

(February 25)

halt = to bring to an abrupt stop


improve bilateral negotiations(両国間の交渉を改善する)

() 韓国の朴槿恵新大統領は北朝鮮に対し、その挑発行為を即時やめ、両国の交渉改善に努めるよう訴えた。


(40)(          ) Iran says a new proposal by world powers for resolving the country’s nuclear program is more realistic than in the past.

(February 28)

new proposal(新提案)

world powers(世界の列強国)

realistic = showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved

() イランは、同国の核開発計画の問題を解決するために世界の列強国から出された新しい提案は過去のものより現実的であると言明した。