Monthly English Chronicles: January


 1-A                               1月(国内ニュース)

(1)   (     /     ) Japan’s Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama says he is determined to put the country’s economy on the recovery track in 2010.

(January 1)

be determined to do(~する決意である)

recovery = a return to a normal state of health

puton a track(~をある軌道に乗せる)





   Japan’s Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama says he is determined to put the country’s economy on the recovery track in 2010.

   In his New Year’s message, released on Friday, Hatoyama says his government has realized many reforms that his Democratic Party promised in its election manifesto.  He said these include belt-tightening of budget requests for state projects.

   He says his administration drastically changed a policy-making process so that the people are better able to monitor it.

   He says tax reform guidelines and the fiscal 2010 draft budget are some of the results of this new transparent process.

   Hatoyama also says he is aware that people acutely hope for the economy’s recovery, the improvement of the job market, and the easing of deflationary pressure.

   He says he will do his best to see the early enactments of the fiscal 2009 extra budget and fiscal 2010 budget.  He also pledged to carry out bold policies, including aid for people raising children and income subsidies for rice farmers.

   Regarding the planned relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station in Okinawa, he says he wants to have thorough debate on the matter before he makes a final decision.  He says the project should be able to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance, and at the same time reduce the burden on Okinawa residents as much as possible.

(January 1, 2010)





(2)   (     /     ) One of the toughest tasks facing Japanese Prime Minister Yukio

Hatoyama this year is to decide on a site for the relocation of a U.S. Marine’s air station in Okinawa.

(January 2)

tough = difficult and requiring determination and effort





(3)   (     /     ) Japan’s prime minister says his government is determined to quickly

pass the fiscal 2009 supplementary budget and the next fiscal year’s budget.

(January 4)

pass = (of a legislative body) to approve (a proposal) by voting on it

supplementary budget(補正予算)

next fiscal year’s budget(来年度予算)



(4) (     /     ) Japanese renowned orchestral conductor, Seiji Ozawa, has now been diagnosed with cancer and is canceling all performances in the next six months.

(January 7)

renowned = known or talked about by many people; famous

orchestral conductor(オーケストラの指揮者)

be diagnosed with(~と診断される)

()日本人のオーケストラ指揮者として有名な小澤征爾氏はがんであると診断され、今後6カ月はすべての公演をキャンセルする。(食道がん=esophageal cancer


(5) (     /     ) Major creditor banks of Japan Airlines are expected to formally approve a plan this week to help the struggling carrier recover under court-led legal proceedings.

(January 14)

creditor banks(債権者としての金融機関)

carrier = a company that undertakes the professional conveyance of goods or people

legal proceedings(法的手続き)



(6)   (     /     ) Two Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ships have begun

pulling out of the Indian Ocean, ending an eight-year-long refueling mission for U.S-led coalition vessels.

(January 16)

Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force(日本の海上自衛隊)

pull out of = to withdraw from an undertaking

eight-year-long refueling mission8年間に及んだ給油支援活動)



(7)   (     /     ) A 25-member Japanese medical relief team has arrived in the

Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, to begin treating the injured with medicine and surgical equipment brought from Japan.

(January 18)

a 25-member medical relief team25名からなる医療救援隊)

capital = the city or town that functions as the seat of government and administration centre of a country or region

surgical equipment(医療機器)



(8) The mayor of the atom-bombed Hiroshima City implores attendees at a U.S. conference of mayors to join him in the quest to raise public support for a nuclear-free world.

(January 21)


attendee = a person who attends a conference or other gathering




(9) (     /     ) In a policy speech at the Diet, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama says he will focus on employment and economic strategy and will also resolve the issue of relocating a U.S. military base in Okinawa.

(January 29)

economic strategy(経済戦略)

relocate = move (something) to a new place

military base(軍事基地)



(10) (     /     ) Japanese automaker Toyota will recall up to 1.8 million cars in Europe.  With the pedal problem having already prompted recalls by Toyota in other parts of the world, the total number of cars recalled worldwide could reach 4.4 million.

(January 30)

Japanese automaker Toyota(日本の自動車メーカー、トヨタ)

recall = (of a manufacturer) to request all the purchasers of (a certain product) to return it, as the result of the discovery of a fault





1-B                               1月(国際ニュース)

(11) (      /     ) The New York Stock Exchange has ended trading for 2009,

with the key index gaining nearly 19 percent over the past year.

(January 1)

New York Stock Exchange(ニューヨーク株式市場)


nearly = very close to; almost




 9019を英語で発音する場合、ninetynineteenで明確に区別できると思いますが、実際のニュースではその区別はそう簡単ではないと思います。特に、音が連続している場合で、しかも語られる内容に馴染みがない場合、「文脈から判断して」という助言もあまり役立ちません。音の識別能力以上に、内容に対する知識を増やし、「ここはこうなるはず」という判断ができて初めて正解が導き出せるのです。上のヘッドラインはWebsiteの記事を読むまでninetyと思って疑いませんでした。NY stocks finish 2009 with about 19% gainというのがWebsiteNHK World News January 1, 2010)の記事のタイトルで、朝日新聞(201013日朝刊、7ページ)は「09NYダウ年率19%上昇」と伝えていました。


(12) (      /     ) U.S. media reports say the suicide bomber who killed eight people inside a CIA base in Afghanistan last week was a double agent and al-Qaeda supporter.

(January 5)

bomber =a person who plants, detonates, or throws bombs, especially as a terrorist.

CIA(米国の中央情報局)= Central Intelligence Agency

double agent(二重スパイ)



(13) (      /     ) U.S. President Barack Obama says he will drastically reform his nation’s terrorism monitoring system amid rising criticism in the wake of the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day.

(January 6)

monitor = to keep under systematic review

rising criticism(高まる批判)

attempted bombing(爆破未遂事件)



(14) (      /     ) The International Monetary Fund will send delegates to Greece to determine what kind of support could help alleviate the country’s financial situation.

(January 12)

International Monetary Fund(国際通貨基金)

determine = to ascertain or establish exactly by research or calculation



(15) (      /     ) Nations around the world are preparing relief efforts as the extent of damage from Tuesday’s massive earthquake in Haiti gradually comes to light.

(January 14)

relief efforts(救援努力)

extent of damage(被害の程度)

come to light = to make widely known or evident



(16) (      /     ) Indonesia’s foreign minister says the advantages of a free-trade agreement with China far outweigh the disadvantages.

(January 18)

advantage = a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or

superior position

free-trade agreement(自由貿易協定)




(17) (      /     ) The U.N.’s Children’s Fund increases the amount of aid to Haitian children who lost their parents or were separated from their families in last week’s catastrophic quake.

(January 21)

U.N. Children’s Fund(国連児童基金)

separate = to cause to move or be apart




(18) (      /     ) U.S. President Barack Obama is proposing stricter regulations on his nation’s financial sector in what is seen as the most drastic attempt to overhaul the U.S. financial system since the Great Depression.

(January 22)

financial sector(金融部門)

drastic = likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme

Great Depression(大恐慌)




 関係代名詞とは接続詞と代名詞の働きを合わせ持つ機能語の1つです。which, that, whoがその代表的なものです。こういう関係代名詞には先行詞というものがあってその前にある名詞がつきます。その名詞が物であればwhichが使用され、人であればwhoが使われます。次の例が示すとおりです。

 This is one of the coffee shops which are near my university.

  She is the type of person who tries to do anything in a precise way.

coffee shops, personがそれぞれの関係代名詞(which, who)の先行詞です。しかし、関係代名詞の中には次の例文のようにその先行詞のないものがあります。

 This is what is interesting to me as a teacher of language.

 whatがその1つです。そして、その意味するものは抽象的なもの、具体的なもの、両方に使用できます。また、人を指すのか、物を指すのかもわかりません。よって通常は「~であること」とか「~するもの」と訳しておくのです。ではその目的は何でしょうか。直接的な表現を避けるためです。上の文中はその好例です。誰もが認める「最も抜本的な改革」であれば、what is seenは外して、直接in the most drastic attemptと言うべきでしょう。そう言わずにwhat is seenを入れた理由は、そう見る見方に自信がないか、「最も抜本的」と判断した基準は、自分ではなく、「一般的な人々」か、ある新聞雑誌で述べられていることを基本に語っているからでしょう。


(19) (      /     ) In his first State of the Union speech, U.S. President Barack Obama has promised to focus his efforts in creating jobs and reining in the growing fiscal deficit.

(January 28)

State of the Union speech(一般教書)

rein in ~ = to keep ~ under control

growing fiscal deficit(膨らむ財政赤字)



(20) (      /     ) India has announced that it will exempt the agricultural sector from its efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, while reporting to the U.N. on its goal based on the agreement at COP 15 in Copenhagen last December.

(January 31)

exempt = to free (a person or organization) from a liability imposed on others

agricultural sector(農業部門)

COP 15 = the 15th conference of parties(第15回約締国会議)
